Book online
You can complete your online booking here. We are able to take payment for your deposit of £295.00 per person by credit card by sharing a payment link with you. Alternatively, you can send a cheque for the deposit of £295.00 per person to us.
If you'd like to pay by internet banking, our details are:
Bank account name (Beneficiary) : Darjeeling Tours Limited
Bank branch address: HSBC Bank Retford, Notts.
Sort Code: 40-38-11
Account no: 51457187
Please mention mode of payment in the booking form.
If you'd like to pay by internet banking, our details are:
Bank account name (Beneficiary) : Darjeeling Tours Limited
Bank branch address: HSBC Bank Retford, Notts.
Sort Code: 40-38-11
Account no: 51457187
Please mention mode of payment in the booking form.